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pl7 pro v4 5 81
To purchase the upgrade version of this product, you must own a previous licensed version of: Bibble Pro or Lite 5, Corel AfterShot Pro, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 or higher, Adobe Lightroom or Apple Aperture.
AfterShot Pro integrates well with Photoshop. With AfterShot Pro as your batch-photo processor and image manager, you can quickly process your RAW photos. Then, when you're ready for more detailed editing, simply click the "Edit with External Editor" button to export in TIF directly to PhotoShop.
Protect and promote your work with versatile Watermarking features. Deter unauthorized copying, brand your photos with your logo or contact info, or add text and graphics. Apply watermarks to individual photos or batches, and easily adjust size, rotation, position, transparency and more.
Regain more of the detail and tone from your overexposed photos with enhanced Highlight Recovery. Powered by a new algorithm, this feature lets you access more of the data in your RAW files for superior image quality.
Save time and edit faster by doing more touchups and photo corrections in AfterShot Pro 3, rather than jumping to PaintShop Pro or Adobe Photoshop. The new Blemish Remover offers circle, brush, polygon and freehand tools for detailed editing, making portrait editing faster and easier. Remove dust, spots, smudges and a variety of imperfections on any photo.
Now it's easier to tap into the power of presets to automate more of your repetitive processing jobs or quickly reproduce a look that would otherwise be tedious to replicate. The new Image Preset Library^ lets you browse, preview and download free and for-purchase presets.
Update to AfterShot Pro 3 for new, sought-after lens corrections that build on the hundreds of lenses already supported by AfterShot to quickly correct the different types of distortion introduced by various lenses. Join the AfterShot Pro community on Facebook to discover when new lens corrections are posted or to share your own.
We're committed to constantly delivering support for today's most popular, powerful and creative cameras, including professional DSLRs, flexible and high-quality mirrorless cameras, and many more. A new dynamic camera profile updater^ notifies you when new cameras are added a new feedback mechanism captures and prioritizes your requests with Corel.
AfterShot Pro wants you! Corel has built AfterShot Pro to give you, the photographer, control, letting you make you own plugins, lens corrections and presets. Now a new feedback loop makes it easier for you to send your ideas and requests to the Corel Photo team--better helping us to meet your needs. Simply click 'feedback' and send us your comments.
Whether you're shooting in RAW or JPEG, you can alter your photos using a wide variety of adjustment tools, including Crop, Straighten, Highlight Recovery, Noise Removal, Color, Temperature, Exposure, Highlights, Fill Light and more.
Easily make adjustments to multiple versions of your master photo without ever changing your original file. Make an unlimited number of versions of one image, with a wide variety of corrections and customizable presets, including Black & White, Cross Processing and more.
Create impressive photos with intense visual contrast using High Dynamic Range (HDR) tools. Combine multiple exposures to create a single, stunning HDR photo. Within the AfterShot HDR module, apply Smart Photo Fix, White Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Fill Light/Clarity, Local Tone Mapping, High Pass Sharpening, and Digital Noise Removal.
Easily change the AfterShot Pro workspace any time to suit your task. Hide or show the Thumbnail, Preview, Browse and Tools panel. Choose from several viewing options, including Slideshow, Full Screen and Multi-Image view.
Process your RAW photos quickly in AfterShot Pro, then simply click the "Send to External Editor" button to quickly export in TIF to PaintShop Pro, Photoshop or another editor for more detailed editing.
Fine tune the color in your photos with several adjustment tools, including Vibrance, Saturation, Color Balance and Mixer and Selective Color Control. Adjust everything from the overall color intensity for the entire image to the intensity of any single color.
Take charge of your photos with extensive photo management support that lets you quickly organize your existing photos, and easily add new ones or catalogs any time. Powerful search tools, star ratings and other management tools let you quickly find photos even in very large collections.
Finding the right photo in a collection of hundreds or thousands is fast with powerful Metadata tools. Add your own searchable keywords, ratings, tags and labels. Or search by camera-written data like date, camera type, settings, aperture and more.
Unlike other workflow tools, AfterShot Pro 2 does not force you to import your images into a catalog just to work with them. Easily access your photos in existing folders, on a network or on a memory card. If you wish, try catalogs to take advantage of powerful digital asset management tools to organize your collection as it grows.
With up to 4x faster performance than Adobe Lightroom* when exporting from RAW to JPEG and offering easy-to-configure batch processing, AfterShot Pro 3 speeds you through batch processing. Take advantage of presets or custom settings, and easily set up batches for Web, print, galleries or easy backup.
OpenCL lets you tap into the power of graphics cards (the GPU) to boost AfterShot Pro's processing speed. Depending on the graphics card and your computer system, the results can be dramatic. Give it try to see what OpenCL can do for you.
AfterShot Pro 3 has a smaller installed footprint than Lightroom, making it perfect to run on a computer with less memory, like a Notebook, for editing on the go. Later, export to Photoshop for editing on a full desktop setup.
New to AfterShot Pro? This in-depth introductory video is perfect for anyone just getting started. Learn to sort, select and perfect your photos, apply enhancements to batches and output your images to TIFF or JPEG.
Check out our official blog to stay informed about the photo software you love. You'll find timely how-to articles, profiles and interviews with community members, development updates and more. Stay in-the-know, ask questions and get answers -- and discover more about AfterShot Pro.
If you have any concerns about the functioning of your heart, you should consult a doctor who can examine you personally and give their expert opinion. Don't rely on comments and feedback here as medical advice.
These ratings provide only a generalization of you fitness and health, there are many other factors which may account for variations in heart rate such as medications, illness and stress. For a true measure of resting heart rate, it is important for the measurement to be taking accurately and under the best resting conditions. There is more information and instructions on how and when to measure resting heart rate. Fitness can also be assessed by measuring heart rate during exercise, which is a better measure of fitness. If you have any questions, you should check out the Resting Heart Rate FAQ.
We have over 400 fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. You should consider the validity, reliability, costs and ease of use for each test. Use our testing guide to conducting, recording, and interpreting fitness tests. Any questions, please ask or search for your answer. To keep up with the latest in sport science and this website, subscribe to our newsletter. We are also on facebook and twitter.
1997-2023 Topend Sports Networkvar md = new Date(document.lastModified)var months = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")document.write("Page last modified: "+ md.getDate()+" " + months[md.getMonth()]+ " " + md.getFullYear());
" I ' / ADV ISORY CO MMlrfEE FOl CONSIDERATION OF TECHNO ECONOMIC VIABlLJTY O F IRRJGA n ON, FLOOD CO TROL AND MULTlI'URPOSE PROJECT PRO POSALS. ***:!c SUMMARY RECORD OF DISCUSSIONS OF THE 81 sT MEETl (; HELl) 0/\ " TIl AUGUST, 2003. The il l" mee ting of the Advisory Committee fo r consideration or tec hno economic viabilitv of Irrigation, Flood Control and Multipurpose Pro ject proposals was held on 4'" August, 2003 at 1S0() hrs. in the Committee Room of Cent ral Water Commission, Sewa Bhavan, R.K.Puram, New Delhi under th e Chairmanship of Shri A.K.Goswamy, Secretary(WR), Ministr y of Water Reso urces. A li,t of participant is enclosed c,t .\nnexure J. The Chairman we lco med the members of the Committee, their represent atives and other officers present and intimated that te chno-economic viabi lity of 14 projects (New Medium 5, Flood Control-2, New Majo r- 7) are to be considered in the meeti ng. He then requ ested MemberSecretary to put " fl the project proposals on age nda. Discussions held and de cisions ,"Ken by the Co mrniltce 011 the agenda items have beell su IIIIIIaI' ised belo wc [D'lIOTAPALLI BARRA(;E SClIEM (NE W MAJOR) - A:-iDtI RA PRAO [';SH _.-J Esti ilia ted Cost CCA -Existing New Total Rs.4 J5.87 Crore (2001-02 PL) 25,900 ha 48,563 ha 74,463 ha Chief Engineer (PAO), CWC introdu ced the project proposal in brief. Rc'r onding to the inquiries of th e Ad visor (WR) , Planning Co mmissio n regarding hig her ulilisation as compared to storagc and disrlocement of tribal populatio n, Cl (PAO ) clarified that in the project proposal apart from utilisation of surface waleI' from bamlgc and existing lanks, conjunctive utilisation of ground wa ter has also I;C:CIl planned. He further clarified that a fe w tribal families are also affe cted . Likely di splace mcnt or SOll1t tribal families was also confirmed by the concerned Chief Engineer of the project. Chief Engineer (IMO), CWC st ated that inter-stat e aspect has bee n examined and accepted. Aft er brief discussions, the project was acce pted by the Adv isory Committee subject 10 following observations: ( i) Concurrence of State Finance Department , (ii) Environmental clearance from M/ 0 Environment and Forests , (iii) Appro val of R& R Plan by M/ 0 Tribal Affairs, and 2ff7e9595c